◎学院简介About us
SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (License No.: MOE51USA02DNR20191972N), approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, is jointly established by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and University of Delaware. Three undergraduate programs will be offered in the joint institute:Management Information Systems, Financial Mathematics, and Logistics Management, and we will enroll the first batch of students in fall, 2020.
Position:Full-time English teacher
Info.:Full-time, experienced, native speaker
◎岗位职责Position Descriptions:
Teach Oral English for undergraduate students;
Help the students to develop excellent English communication skills;
Get the students well-prepared for TOEFL or IELTS;
Broaden the students’ international vision;
Bachelor’s degree or above, and master’s degree will be preferred;
More than 2 years’ experience of English teaching in Chinese universities and colleges;
Native speaker;
Good teaching manner, innovative teaching method, and professional ethics;
Complying with the laws and regulations of China; being friendly and cooperative with high moral standards and refined academic pursuits;
◎福利待遇Salary and Perks:
The salary is competitive at market rate and negotiable in accordance with different competency.
Other allowances will be included as prescribed by the university.
◎联系方式Contact us:
应聘人员请发送英文简历和个人求职信到 dids@swufe.edu.cn,邮件主题为“应聘全职英语外教”。特拉华数据科学学院将对条件优秀的应聘者进行筛选,并通知面试。申请截止期限:招满即止。
To apply, please submit your electronic application including a resume and cover letter todids@swufe.edu.cn, with an email subject of “Apply for Full-time English Teacher”. Qualified candidates will be informed to have an interview. Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled.
Location:Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, NO.555, Liutai Avenue, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China.